“A down-to-earth, user-friendly timepiece in earthy hues from the PRO TREK line of authentic outdoor gear for nature lovers.
The band, bezel, case, buttons, and case back — each made with resin in a different outdoorsy color — come together in a unified design that moves seamlessly with you from outdoor adventures to everyday settings.
Like its base model, the PRJ-B001, this easy stylish timepiece is equipped with superior functionality, too, with Tough Solar charging and Bluetooth® to pair with a smartphone. Press a button on the watch to record date, time, and position on a map within the dedicated smartphone app, for a useful way to log your journeys. Find new ways to appreciate the outdoors by reminiscing about breathtaking scenic spots and taking note of places to revisit.
Bio-based resin for key resin components in the case, band, and more is not only expected to help reduce environmental impact, but makes for a lighter watch, as well.
Lightweight, compact, stylish, and practical — this timepiece is all about the great outdoors.”
Brand: Casio Protrek
Product: Watch
Dial Color: Black
Case / Band color: Beige, Brown
Case Shape: Square
Case Material: Resin
Gender: Womens
Movement: Quartz
Strap / Bracelet: Resin
Watches Category: Fashion Watches
Features: Alarm, Battery Level Indicator, Bluetooth, Calendar, LED Light, Low Temperature Resis, Run Time, Solar Power, Stop watch, Timer, World time
Warranty: 1 Year
Case Size: 46 mm
Water Resistance: 100 meters